How To Resist Mediocrity And Embrace Excellence

Most people will tell you that they want to achieve greatness – they want to accomplish impressive goals, gain recognition, have influence and overall, be happy. Unfortunately, too many find the path too difficult and are unable to muster the dedication necessary to endure. Moreover, feelings of doubt, fear, inadequacy, or even not deserving, leave many in a state of flux—full of unrealized potential. 

To make matter worse, our brains are hard wired to hold on to the status quo and take minimal risks. A state of affairs not conducive to being exceptional. This hard wiring has stayed with us through evolution and harkens back to a time when our ancestors needed to maintain the status quo in order to remain safe. In today’s world, that kind of mindset results in mediocre performances. Yes indeed, the struggle against mediocrity is real.

Take Responsibility

Taking responsibility is a powerful way to break free from mediocrity and take control of your life. Mediocrity often stems from a lack of accountability. Mediocre people tend to blame everything and everyone for their circumstances. The successful ones take ownership of their lives. They acknowledge that regardless of their circumstances, they have agency over their daily habits, choices, and mindsets. As a result, they set higher standards for themselves.

This approach helps them move beyond the status quo and challenge themselves to do better, become better, and achieve more. Ultimately, taking responsibility is a key component in achieving success and breaking free from mediocrity, as it helps us develop the self-awareness, discipline, and determination to reach our full potential.

Push Past Your Fears

It is only human to have fears. They are powerful emotions that can serve you well but most hold you back, limit your potential, and prevent you from taking risks and exploring new opportunities.  Giving into your fears is akin to feeding your mediocrity mindset. They both live off each other and while pushing past your fears can be a daunting task; in order to achieve excellence, you must identify them and begin the baby steps that will gradually build the confidence and resilience you need to become exceptional.

You don’t have to be fearless. No one truly is. What you need is a willingness to take action towards your goals although you are afraid.

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

As I mentioned before, through evolution, we have been hardwired to remain in familiar surroundings. This supports the human need to feel safe and comfortable. However, everything that we want to achieve and are capable of achieving are outside of our comfort zone. 

The road to a life of mediocrity starts with staying in your comfort zone. Success requires us to be uncomfortable.  Every exceptional person has learnt to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. They demonstrated a willingness to step out of their comfort zone and take on new experiences or challenges, even if those situations felt overwhelming.  

Becoming comfortable with discomfort, teaches us to be more resilient, adaptable, and open to change. It is a mindset that allows us to embrace the unknown and to see obstacles as opportunities for growth and development, both in our personal and professional lives. While it may not always be easy, being comfortable with discomfort is an important trait to develop for anyone looking to achieve their goals and live a fulfilling life.

Take Consistent Action

The Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso once famously said, “action is the foundational key to all success.” One definite way to get past a life of mediocrity is to consistently make the conscious effort to work towards your goals, even when it’s difficult or uncomfortable. When you take consistent action, you are firstly, holding yourself accountable and taking responsibility for your situation. Secondly, you challenge yourself to go beyond what others or your environment expected of you. This approach helps you break free from the habits and routines that keep you stuck in a mediocre mindset. By taking consistent action, you develop the self-discipline and resilience necessary to overcome obstacles and setbacks, and you build momentum towards your goals. With time and persistence, consistent action can help you rise above mediocrity and achieve your full potential.

Keep On Pushing!


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Written by Devon Harris Motivational Keynote Speaker. 