Life Vision Coaching

Life Vision Coaching
Life Vision Coaching includes:
- A look at vision and why it is key to living a fulfilled life.
- Tools for introspective thinking to identify your passions, what brings you joy and the qualities you want to develop.
- Questions to examine your values, past experiences and imagining your ideal future.
- An in-depth approach to identifying the things that are important to you and writing your vision statement.
- A step by step approaching to goal setting and vision implementation.
Life vision coaching is offered over three sessions:
Session #1
Duration: 1 Hour
In this session, you will :
- Better understand your values, and what you like and dislike about yourself.
- Better understand your values, and what you like and dislike about yourself.
- Explore how the different areas (Family, Career/Business, Relationships, Finances, Spiritual, Health/wellness) of your life interconnect and support each other.
- Create the initial draft of your vision statement .
Session #2
Duration: 45 Mins
A personal vision statement speaks to how you want to live your life —what you want to accomplish in every area of your life. It integrates your abilities, interests, personality, values, goals, and skills/experience. It is a valuable guide when determining specific paths to pursue, important life decisions to make and ultimately planning how to accomplish goals and realize the life of your dreams.
This session builds on and complete the work started in session 1 by reviewing, rewriting and refining your life vision
Session #3
Duration: 1 Hour
Your life vision is a bird’s eye view of the ideal life you want to live. In this session, you are going to take a deep dive to identify the specific goals which when realized will see you moving closer to the fulfillment of your vision.
By the end of this session, you would have learnt to:
- Make a goal list
- Properly set goals
- Create a plan of action for their achievement